Eddie's Class

Buoyancy!...Again. Yup. CST Review Time (7th Graders are at the bottom)

Learning Goal: When I leave class today, I will be able to explain how buoyancy and one other force acts upon an object floating in water. 

Watch the video first and then answer the two questions in the middle and at the end of the video.

Now look at the following 3D model. I want you go describe for me on a piece of paper before you leave, what is taking place? Describe how the Titanic sank in one paragraph (7 sentences) using the words buoyancy, gravity, and density. If you do not know how to start the paragraph, there are sentence frames below to help you get started.

If you do not know how to get started, follow these sentence frames. 

The 3D model represents the Titanic sinking. The Titanic sank because _____________________ _________________________.  The major hole allowed water to fill the front of the ship. The water filling the ship increased its _____________. Because the density was more than the ship could handle, it began to sink. In order for a ship to float on water it needs these two forces to be equal, ___ and _______. The force of ______________ pushes down on the ship, while the force of ________ pushes up on the ship. The density of the water destroyed the balance, and the ship sunk.

Below is a diagram of the Titanic sinking and the forces acting upon it.


Read the Section on Blood on page 502 and do questions 1-5 on page 507