Eddie's Class

The Underground Railroad Assignment 3

Dreyton Hall Assignment 2
For this assignment it will be required for you to have a map of known locations on the Underground Railroad. Here is the link to a paper from the New Jersey State library, from page 7 plot the 9 locations on the map  http://slic.njstatelib.org/slic_files/digidocs/h673/h6732002.pdf .

After you plot the locations read through this newspaper article http://www.cnn.com/2012/02/05/us/virginia-slaves/ summarize the information in 5 sentences on Google documents and post it on your blog.

Now calculate the time a slave travelled when heading north. You can find known slave households at this very unique website http://unknownnolonger.vahistorical.org/browse/location . Pick 3 slaves and calculate how far they would have travelled if they went to an Underground Railroad site in New Jersey.

You can work with partners. When you are done you will have the following posted on your blog:
1. A map detailing the Underground Railroad sites in New Jersey with the homes of 3 slaves in the Virginia area.
2. A summary of the article written in Google Docs and the link posted to your site.